【Short Essay】
Even though(雖然) Harley has a long history(長的歷史), it is an American icon(記號).
Harley lets me live the dream(夢想) of every man.
Harley is not only a motorcycle, it is also a piece of art(一件藝術品).
Every Harley has the personality(個性) of the owner.
Working at Harley wins(贏得) a lot of people’s attention(注意) and respect(尊敬).
步驟一. 自我介紹並根據以下問題自由發表意見(10分鐘)
When was the last time you felt good about yourself? What did you do or what happened to you?
步驟二. 主題文章研習
2-1. 聽力發音訓練: 一起大聲朗讀或輪流朗讀句子(5分鐘)
2-2. 問答訓練: 盡量用完整句型回答(15分鐘)
Jesus(耶穌) told His disciples(門徒) something else about God’s way of looking at greatness(偉大):
“In this world, you think people are important(重要) because they have power(權力) or wealth(財富), or because they tell others what to do,” said Jesus. “But that’s not how it will be for you. To be important(重要的) in God’s kingdom(神的國), you must learn to serve(學習去服侍). If you want to be at the very top(頂尖), then you must be like a servant (僕人)to everyone. Even the Son of God(人子) doesn’t come to be waited on(等待被服侍); He comes to pour out His life(捨命) for everyone.”
1. What did Jesus tell His disciples?
2. In this world, you think people are important because….?
3. To be important in God’s kingdom, what must you learn?
4. If you want to be at the very top, what must you do?
5. Why did the Son of God come to the world?
步驟三. 問題討論, 訓練表達(10分鐘) DISCUSSION QUESTIONS:
1. According to the scripture, what is God trying to tell us?
2. What does "pour out His life for everyone” mean to you? Explain.
中文 : _______________________________________________________
英文 : _______________________________________________________
Song to sing(歌曲教唱):
I Want To Hold Your Hand
By Beatles
I'll tell you something
I think you'll understand
When I say that something
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand
Oh please say to me
you'll let me be your man
and please say to me
you'll let me hold your hand
Now, let me hold your hand
I want to hold your hand
And when I touch you
I feel happy inside
It's such a feeling that my love
I can't hide
I can't hide
I can't hide
Yeah, you got that something
I think you'll understand
When I say that something
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand
And when I touch you
I feel happy inside
It's such a feeling that my love
I can't hide
I can't hide
I can't hide
Yeah, you got that something
I think you'll understand
When I say that something
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand