2009年4月6日 星期一

格鬥賽, 紓解壓力!Mixed martial arts competition releases stress!

Mixed martial arts(綜合武術) competition(比賽) releases stress(紓解壓力)

Mixed martial arts(MMA) is a full contact(全面接觸) combat(格鬥) sport.

It allows a wide variety(多樣化) of fighting techniques(技巧).

The rules allow(准許) the use of striking(攻擊的) and grappling(扭打的) techniques, both while standing and on the ground.

The competition in Taiwan does not have enough money for publicity(宣傳).

Because of its real fighting(真實打鬥), it has become popular(流行) among blue and white collar workers(藍白領上班族).

The only rule(規則) of the game is "to knock the opponent down(將對手擊倒) and then you’ll be the winner."

Competitors(參賽者) believe that if you have the chance(機會) to stand in the ring(站在擂台上), You will have no regrets(遺撼).

Nowadays people are under a lot of stress(在很多壓力下), so they especially(特別地) enjoy watching(享受觀看) this kind of competition.

步驟一. 自我介紹並根據以下問題自由發表意見(10分鐘)
When was the last time you fought to win and you thought it was worth it ? Why?

步驟二. 主題文章研習
2-1. 聽力發音訓練: 一起大聲朗讀或輪流朗讀句子(5分鐘)
2-2. 問答訓練: 盡量用完整句型回答(15分鐘)
【2Timothy(提後) 2:2-7】
And the things you have heard me(從我聽見的) say in the presence(面前) of many witnesses(見證人) entrust(交託) to reliable(忠心的) men who will also be qualified to teach others. Endure hardship(受苦難) with us like a good soldier(精兵) of Christ Jesus. No one serving as a soldier gets involved in(纏身) civilian affairs(世務)- he wants to please(取悅) his commanding officer(指揮的官員). Similarly(相同地), If anyone competes(爭競) as an athlete(運動員), he does not receive the victor’s crown(勝利的冠冕) unless he competes according to the rules(遵守規則). The hard working farmer(農夫) should be the first to receive(獲得) a share of the crops(果實的分配). Reflect(反省) on what I am saying, for the Lord will give you insight(領悟力) into all this.
【1Corinthains(歌前) 9:24-26】
Do you not know that in a race(比賽) all the runners run, but only one gets the prize(獎賞)? Everyone who competes(競爭) in the games goes into strict training(嚴格的訓練). They do it to get a crown that will not last forever(維持永久). Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly(無定向地); I do not fight like a man beating the air(打空氣). No, I beat my body(攻克己身) and make it my slave(將身服我) so that after I have preached(傳福音) to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.

1. What should reliable men do?
2. What should we not do serving as soldiers?
3. If anyone competes as an athlete, what does he not receive?
4. What should the hard working farmer be the first to do?
5. What will the Lord do when we reflect on what He is saying?
6. What happens in a race?
7. What happens to everyone who competes in the games?
8. What do they compete in the games for?
9. What happens if I beat my body and make it my slave?

步驟三. 問題討論, 訓練表達(10分鐘) DISCUSSION QUESTIONS:
1. What does “entrust to reliable men” mean to you? Why should they do what they should do?
2. What are the differences and similarities among teachers, soldiers, athletes and farmers? Please explain.
3. What is the kind of prize that God wants us to win?

中文 : _______________________________________________________
英文 : _______________________________________________________

Song to sing(歌曲教唱): Eye of the tiger

Rising up -- back on the street,
Did my time, took my chances
Went the distance(懸殊) now I’m back on my feet(站起來)
Just a man and his will to survive (活著) --
So many times, it happens too fast,
You trade(交換) your passion(熱情) for glory(榮耀),
Don’t lose(失去) your grip(抓牢) on the dreams of the past(以前的夢想),
You must fight just to keep them alive(使它們成真)

*it’s the eye of the tiger,
It’s the thrill(戰慄) of the fight(搏鬥),
Rising up to the challenge(挑戰) of our rival(對手),
And the last known survivor(幸存者)
Stalks(追蹤) his prey(犧牲者) in the night,
And he’s watching us all
With the eye of the tiger.*

Face to face -- out in the heat,
Hanging tough, staying hungry
They stack(堆起來) the odds(相爭) still we take to the street
For the kill(殺死), with the skill(技能) to survive --
( * repeat)

Rising up -- straight to the top(直達巔峰),
Had the guts(勇氣), got the glory
Went the distance, now I’m not gonna stop
Just a man and his will to survive --
( * repeat)

2009年4月5日 星期日

海角七號, 超夯!Cape No.7 was a hit!

Cape No.7 successfully(成功地)proves(證明) that Taiwan’s movie industry(電影工業) has unlimited(無窮的) potential(潛力)

Cape No.7 proves to be the most touching(最動人的) legend(傳說) in the history(歷史) of Taiwan’s movies.
China, which had first censored(刪改) the movie, surprisingly(驚奇地) premiered(首映) Cape No. 7 around the nation(在全國) on Valentine’s Day(情人節).
Director Wei Te-sheng(魏德聖) collected US$10 million(一千萬美金) for shooting(拍攝) a Taiwanese aboriginal(原住民的) movie in 2009.
The success of his movie let him realize(實現) more opportunities(機會) for his dreams to come true(夢想成真).
It became more obvious(明顯的) to Wei that only by showing Taiwan’s culture(文化) can Taiwan’s identity(面貌) be known in the world.

步驟一. 自我介紹並根據以下問題自由發表意見(10分鐘)
Can you name someone who influences your life? Why?

步驟二. 主題文章研習
2-1. 聽力發音訓練: 一起大聲朗讀或輪流朗讀句子(5分鐘)
2-2. 問答訓練: 盡量用完整句型回答(15分鐘)
【Matthew(馬太) 26:6-13】
While Jesus was in Bethany(伯大尼) in the home of a man known as Simon the Leper(麻瘋病人), a woman came to him with an alabaster jar(雪白的瓶子) of very expensive(昂貴的) perfume(香水), which she poured out(倒出) on his head as he was reclining at the table(靠在桌邊).
When the disciples saw this, they were indignant(憤怒的). “Why this waste(浪費)?” they asked. “This perfume could have been sold at a high price(賣出高價) and the money given to the poor(窮人).”
Aware of this, Jesus said to them, “Why are you bothering(打擾) this woman? She has done a beautiful thing(美事一件) to me. The poor you will always have with you, but you will not always have me. When she poured this perfume on my body, she did it to prepare me for burial(葬禮). I tell you the truth, wherever this gospel(福音) is preached(傳遍) throughout the world(全世界), what she has done(她所做的) will also be told(也將會流傳), in memory of her(為了紀念她).”
【Luck(路加) 8:2】
And also some women who had been cured(被治癒) of evil spirits(邪靈) and diseases(疾病): Mary(called Magdalene抹大拉) from seven demons(鬼) had come out(出來); ……..
1. What happened to Jesus in Bethany in the home of a man known as Simon the Leper?
2. What happened to his disciples and what did they ask?
3. What did Jesus say to them?
4. What truth did Jesus tell them?
5. Who was the woman?

步驟三. 問題討論, 訓練表達(10分鐘) DISCUSSION QUESTIONS:
1. How deep was Jesus’ love for the woman? How so?
2. What do you think Jesus meant by “a beautiful thing” about what the woman has done?
3. Why did Jesus say “what she has done will also be told, in memory of her”?

中文 : _______________________________________________________
英文 : _______________________________________________________

Song to sing(歌曲教唱): I Have A Dream
I have a dream, a song to sing
To help me cope with(面對) anything
If you see the wonder(奇蹟) of a fairy tale(神話故事)
You can take the future(未來) even if you fail(跌倒)
I believe in angels(天使)
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream(小河) - I have a dream

I have a dream, a fantasy(幻想)
To help me through reality(現實)
And my destination(目的地) makes it worth the while
Pushing through(推過) the darkness(黑暗) still another mile
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream

2009年3月19日 星期四

“您在那裡”There you are vs. “我在這裡” Here I am

What’s the difference between “there you are” and “here I am” attitudes when it comes to greeting customers?

在哈雷機車全球銷售的標準作業流程(SOP, Standard Operation Procedure)當中,有一項肯定會確認檢查的是關於如何與客戶連結(how you connect with your customer)的部分: Did you feel that you are “welcomed” to the dealership in a positive and friendly way? 當您蒞臨經銷商是否有感受到被正面和友善的歡迎?

這不禁讓我想到一放諸四海皆準的黃金規則(golden rule):“There you are” attitude “您在那裡”的心態,焦點向外(在別人),有我想迎向您、歡迎您、認識您的態度,讓人有賓至如歸、備受禮遇的特別感受。那是自我積極主動和操之在我的反應,適合應用在各類社交場合。如何養成,存乎一心,善加運用,無往不利。

相反的,“Here I am” attitude “我在這裡”的心態,焦點向內(在自己),有誰要迎向我、歡迎我、認識我的態度,讓人有老大心態、自以為是和”顧人怨”的感受。那是自我消極被動和操之在別人的反應,也會在各類社交場合發生。為何如此,個性使然,不被提醒,黑洞效應(black hole effect)。

PS: 黑洞效應(black hole effect)是形容一個人在社交場合往往以自我為中心,急速渴望吸引別人目光、友誼和肯定的巨大能量吸取,也是自我安全感之所在,如同黑洞般,永無止盡地吸取。

John and Shirley

2009年2月28日 星期六

Power Talk:哈雷是世界知名品牌 Harley is a world-famous brand.

【Short Essay】
Even though(雖然) Harley has a long history(長的歷史), it is an American icon(記號).
Harley lets me live the dream(夢想) of every man.
Harley is not only a motorcycle, it is also a piece of art(一件藝術品).
Every Harley has the personality(個性) of the owner.
Working at Harley wins(贏得) a lot of people’s attention(注意) and respect(尊敬).

步驟一. 自我介紹並根據以下問題自由發表意見(10分鐘)
When was the last time you felt good about yourself? What did you do or what happened to you?

步驟二. 主題文章研習
2-1. 聽力發音訓練: 一起大聲朗讀或輪流朗讀句子(5分鐘)
2-2. 問答訓練: 盡量用完整句型回答(15分鐘)
Jesus(耶穌) told His disciples(門徒) something else about God’s way of looking at greatness(偉大):
“In this world, you think people are important(重要) because they have power(權力) or wealth(財富), or because they tell others what to do,” said Jesus. “But that’s not how it will be for you. To be important(重要的) in God’s kingdom(神的國), you must learn to serve(學習去服侍). If you want to be at the very top(頂尖), then you must be like a servant (僕人)to everyone. Even the Son of God(人子) doesn’t come to be waited on(等待被服侍); He comes to pour out His life(捨命) for everyone.”
1. What did Jesus tell His disciples?
2. In this world, you think people are important because….?
3. To be important in God’s kingdom, what must you learn?
4. If you want to be at the very top, what must you do?
5. Why did the Son of God come to the world?

步驟三. 問題討論, 訓練表達(10分鐘) DISCUSSION QUESTIONS:
1. According to the scripture, what is God trying to tell us?
2. What does "pour out His life for everyone” mean to you? Explain.

中文 : _______________________________________________________
英文 : _______________________________________________________
Song to sing(歌曲教唱):

I Want To Hold Your Hand
By Beatles
I'll tell you something
I think you'll understand
When I say that something
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand

Oh please say to me
you'll let me be your man
and please say to me
you'll let me hold your hand
Now, let me hold your hand
I want to hold your hand

And when I touch you
I feel happy inside
It's such a feeling that my love
I can't hide
I can't hide
I can't hide

Yeah, you got that something
I think you'll understand
When I say that something
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand

And when I touch you
I feel happy inside
It's such a feeling that my love
I can't hide
I can't hide
I can't hide

Yeah, you got that something
I think you'll understand
When I say that something
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand


2009年2月24日 星期二

Power Talk: 全球經濟危機 Global economic crisis

【Short Essay】 Cheap haircuts prove hit in tough financial times

Shops that offer $100 haircuts are seeing a sharp increase(劇烈的成長) in business, as more people try to cut back on spending during difficult economic times.

With Taiwan caught up in the global financial crisis, personal grooming(修飾) is one of the expenses that is being trimmed(調整).

In Taichung City, there is a $100 haircut shop in almost every hyper mart(大賣場). They offer haircut-only service that does not include shampoo.

This type of service has not only retained(保留) its usual clientele(常客), but is also attracting many first-time customers.

Facing fierce competition from these $100 haircut shops, many hair salons have jumped on the bandwagon(跳漲潮流) and are now offering $100 haircuts in a bid to retain their customers.

步驟一. 自我介紹並根據以下問題自由發表意見(10分鐘)

When was the last time you were caught in a crisis? What kind of crisis was it? What happened?

步驟二. 主題文章研習
2-1. 聽力發音訓練: 一起大聲朗讀或輪流朗讀句子(5分鐘)
2-2. 問答訓練: 盡量用完整句型回答(15分鐘)


You have made my days a mere(只不過是) handbreadth(一手之寬); the span(片刻) of my years is as nothing before you. Each man’s life is but a breath(一瞬間). Man is mere phantom(幻影) as he goes to and fro(往返,來回): He bustles about(奔忙), but only in vain(虛幻的); he heaps up(一堆) wealth, not knowing who will get it. "But now, Lord, what do I look for?" My hope is in you.

1. What are our days like to God?

2. What is the span of our years like to God?

3. What is each man’s life like to God?

4. Why is man mere phantom as he goes to and fro?

步驟三. 問題討論, 訓練表達(10分鐘) DISCUSSION QUESTIONS:

1. According to the scriptures, what is God trying to tell us?

2. Why is God telling us these things?

3. What does "my hope is in you” mean to you? Explain.


中文 : _______________________________________________________

英文 : _______________________________________________________

Song to sing(歌曲教唱):

Let Me Let Go

by Faith Hill

I thought it was over, baby

We said our goodbyes

But I can’t go a day without your face

Going through my mind

In fact, not a single minute

Passes without you in it

Your voice, your touch, memories of your love

Are with me all of the time

Let me let go, babyLet me let go

If this is for the best

Why are you still in my heart

Are you still in my soul

Let me let go

I talked to you the other day

Looks like you made your escape(你逃走)

You put us behind, no matter how I try

I can’t do the same

Let me let go, babyLet me let go

It just isn’t right

I’ve been two thousand miles

Down a dead-end road

Let me let go

The lights of this strange city are shining

But they don’t hold no fascination(迷戀) for me

I try to find the bright side, baby

But everywhere I look

Everywhere I turn

You’re all I see

Let me, let me let go, baby, won’t you

Let me let goIt just isn’t right

I’ve been two thousand miles

Down a dead-end road

Oh, let me let go, darling, won’t you

I just gotta knowIf this is for the best

Why are you still in my heart

Yeah, you’re still in my soul, let me let go

Let me let go, let me let go

2009年2月20日 星期五

We are in the basic class, but we study hard!


1. My name is Tom Tao.
2. I am 48 years old.
3. It has been already 34 years since I am back in Taiwan.
4. I have been married for 15 years.
5. I have a daughter. She is 14 years old.
6. I work at Harley-Davidson.
7. I am the sales manager.
8. I was born in Burma.
9. I like to ride motorcycles.
10. I like spicy food.

1. Harley is not just a motorcycle. It represents itself.
Harley is not just a motorcycle. It represents the American spirit.

2. It is a very famous enterprise that has a history of 105 years.

3. It is a lifelong business.

4. It is a job that makes other people envious.

5. My job catches a lot of people’s attention and respect.

1. Hi my name is Danny.
2. I live in Taipei.
3. I am a sales rep at Harley.
4. I like to ride heavy motorcycles.
5. I like Sichuan food.
6. I want to learn easy English conversation.

1. 哈雷世界知名品牌
Harley is a world-famous brand.

2. 經由工作我可以認識許多企業家
I get to know many entrepreneurs through my job.

3. 哈雷有國際觀
Harley is a brand with global/world/international perspective.

4. 同事都是菁英
All my colleagues are elites.

5. 公司提供英語教學
The company offers English lessons.

1.My name is Ketty.
2. I am forty – one years old and I live in Taipei.
3. I have been married for fourteen years.
4. I have two children, a girl and a boy.
5. I like riding the bicycle and mountain climbing.
6. I work at Harley.
7. I ride the motorcycle to go to work.
8. I like eating Thai food.
9. I am studying English.
10. After I learn English I hope to travel.

1. 每一輛哈雷機車都是獨一無二。
No two Harleys are the same. (Every Harley is unique.)

2. 哈雷的精神就是同袍感情﹐大家聚在一起﹐有樂共享。
Harley’s work team spirit is like a family. Everybody gets together and has fun.

3. 哈雷是現代機車工業領導者,也是全球機車風尚的代表。
Harley is the leader of the modern motorcycle industry. It is also the icon of all motorcycles in the world.

I am Ricky Lai.
I was born in Taipei.
Iam 20 years old.
I work at Harley.
I'm humorous.
I live in Taipei.
I like Harley-Davidson.
I like to ride heavy motorcycles.
I take every challenge with a positive attitude.
I want to learn French and live in France.

Even though Harley has a long history, it is an American icon.
Harley lets me live in the dream of every man.
Harley is not only a motorcycle, it is also a piece of art.
Every Harley has the personality of the owner.
Repairing Harleys is the thing that I am most proud of right now.

2009年2月19日 星期四

Who are they? His name is Ryan. My name is Peter.

Hello, I’m Ryan.
I studied vehicle engineering in college.
So, I worked in related industry after I graduated.
It’s been almost 18 months since I started working at Harley Davidson.
I am having a wonderful time and learning a lot at Harley Davidson.
I’m so easy to get along with.
And I love to fish for shrimp, play basketball, and sing.
Maybe we could hang out together some day.
I hope I could study more to strengthen my English skills.
Of course I would grab the chance if the company can give me more opportunities.

1. 哈雷是重機的代名詞
Harley is the representation of heavy motorcycles.
2. 哈雷的商品非常的多樣化
Harley’s merchandise are varied.
3. 哈雷悠久的歷史
Harley has a long history.
4. 哈雷的商品能深入生活當中
Harley’s merchandise is all a part of people’s lives.
5. 可以讓每位車主擁有很個人化的重機
Each Harley is unique to each owner.

I am Peter. I live in Taipei.
I studied transport management at Tamkang University.
My interest is travelling, mountain climbing and riding bikes.
I like all kinds of sports that you can do in nature.
I am a positive,disciplined, and responsible person.
My job is Parts and Warehouse Officer at Harley-Davidson.
My work is ordering,checking, arranging parts and selling accessories.
Now I live with my parents.
I must work hard and earn a lot of money to get my own house.
I hope that I could give my family a good life.